Friday, December 05, 2008

Day 2 - There is no number one

Oh dear, oh dear. I let myself down on the first day. That is truly shameful. I'll have to stop referring to the blogging process like this, lest it become too self-referential and end up in some dreadful logical paradox (a blog that denounces itself as constantly wrong...)

This morning I had a class in Godel's Theorems; the last class of the term, and we've moved onto provability logic. It's either a topic that appears very simple but is actually very complicated, or vice versa. It's hard to tell, really.

Also, tomorrow I return home, back to Peterborough, city of sunshine and smiles. My packing has not been started, and there are many books I need to get out for my vacation reading (finals only 24 weeks away, y'know?). More pressing that these concerns, however, is my stomach.

About two hours ago, I felt the first pangs. I knew what was coming; "No breakfast?!? You fool!". I cursed myself inwardly as my innards were cursing. I thought I could pull through. I had a large supper the night before! Midnight cake! Yet it was all for nothing, and hunger consumed my mind.

I can think of little else. The only reason I'm writing this now is that I've dangled an eclair above the monitor, and accidentally hit the keyboard with my flailing limbs as I lunge desparately towards it. The hunger consumes me, and drives me to consume in turn.

My focus is fading. Sight grows dim, and The Who is singing about Teenage Cakeland. I must go; blogging is important, but so is a good hot lunch. Farewell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done, young spud =)