Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Day 0 - Or How I learned to start blogging and love the moolb

Aah, it's been a long time. In fact, the last time I blogged was almost 18 months ago; I had just finished my first year of university, and was generally much less mature and rounded.
I read my previous posts and scornfully mock myself and my writing. Now, fortunately, I return to my dusty fan base with writing that has immeasurably improved and much wisdom to share with you all.

Following sterling example, this month (from today onwards, at least) I shall blog at least once every day. They may not all be great, or original, or even that spectacular, but they will all be written.

I'll begin with some musing that I got done whilst soaking in the bathtub this morning. What do I want to do in my life? That is, really want to do? I devised a test which I humbly label Tom's Deathbed Test (patent pending):

If I were an old man, lying on my deathbed, thinking on my life, what would the absence of cause regret?

Take that test, rewrite it, change the meaning and style, and you've got something pretty neat. (Does anyone even say neat anymore?) Applying the TDT to myself, I came up with the following list, in alphabetical order:
Mathematics. Writing. (Languages. Musical instrument.)

The brackets are ones I'm not sure about. Of course, this list overlooks such things as having children, a loving wife, beautiful home, and all that jazz. That is larger than the list; it would be more than regret. So let's stick with this level of stuff - purely personal activities.

There are many things that I want to do, that I'm sure I'd enjoy, and hope I do get to do: magic, juggling, travelling, drawing, philosophy, and many other things as well, I'm sure. Heck, most things probably.
Applying the TDT quite strictly at the moment, however, and it results in the limited list above. It may change, but this seems a good way to focus my activities and bear larger goals in mind. Right, this blog has run its course, and now it's time for some sort of treat to reward myself.

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