Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Day 14 - Adeptus for Scouts

I must stop blogging so late; it leaves me no time to say anything of substance. Still, as the saying goes, "Better saying something than nothing at all." I think that's how the saying goes, and has the dark gremlins of Sleep and Sore Eyes start to circle, it'll have to do.

A friend of mine at university is deeply involved in the local - indeed, the national - bell ringing scene. A keen Campanologist. Apparently, there is a big subculture, where everybody knows each other, and gossip spreads faster than vibrations through two hundred year old copper.

There must be millions of subcultures in British society alone, which are everything to those involved, and nothing to those who aren't. Whole microcosms of intrigue, lust and betrayal, where the actual hobby in question is nothing more than an elaborate password into this hidden social world, where recognition is easy but acceptance is impossible (or possibly the other way around).

Campanologists, I'm sure, are nothing like this, and just really like bell ringing. Let's hope, anyway. The nation's Sunday mornings are in their hands.

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