Monday, December 22, 2008

Day 19 - Pearl-Handled Tusks

Exciting news everyone - I am blogging in the presence of another. That's right, my friend Nick, of Hogshine infamy, is present as I type, telling me to download Battle for Wesneth. Fear not, my loyal retinue, I'll remain faithful to the alliance.

We just finished a game of Warhammer 40,000, to gently ease our passage back into the hobby. As he so eloquently put it, "It sounds like we're being shat out by some celestial..." Exactly what this celestial being is, seems best left to our imaginations. You know, if your imagination really is that bored at the moment.

He had a 1500 Space Wolf force, assembled and semi painted. I had 588 points of Orks, with various wheels and height missing. My Orks were slaughtered. I managed to kill 9 (count them!) of his marines; 3 from Deffkopta rockets, 1 from a Warbuggy shoota, and 5 at the power klaw of my Warboss. Nick just wondered why I'm specifying who killed who. He does not understand the intricacies of the glory hug, rooting in forests of battle for the truffles of fame.

Commercial announcement: point your internet scopes at, which will soon be the site of a Daily Mathematics Morsel, or some other, even more interesting name. The world's press are waiting.

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