Thursday, March 05, 2009

Day 93 - Plug it to d' left

Real, exciting news! Me and Julia went to look at a flat this afternoon - for those woefully behind on our personal lives, we're going to move in together next year. I'll be doing my Master's year in Oxford, and she'll be working in Oxford, doing the wonderful job of her dreams (preferably something with animals - anybody involved in animal/conservation stuff in the Oxford area who might be able to give an amazingly intelligent, capable, enthusiastic and beautiful girl a job, just comment and I'll get in touch. conversation animal job vacancy jobseekers oxford oxfordshire nature rspb rspca tropical - take that Google!).

We found a good place, but it is expensive (though in Oxford, where isn't?). Now comes the agonising few days when we try and achieve the delicate balance between thinking-it-over-properly-and-making-sure-it's-the-right-decision and not-losing-out-on-a-great-thing-by-waiting-too-long.

I'm going home this weekend to consult the brain squad. Updates later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still watching yoouuuuuuu!
hur hur hur.

yeah you should -definitely- count me as a friend.