Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 79 - Shammooo It For the Young 'uns, I was...being...eaten, by...myself. Yeah, that's it. That's why I didn't blog, I was too busy eating and being eaten. Have some sympathy, ye scurvy dogs.

Julia's left me today, back to Peterborough to be with her true loves (her pets, not her family, of course). This has left me at a loose end of my tether, so I've been pottering around my room this afternoon and evening, trying to do useful things, and getting distracted by INSANE things.

My attempt at revision this afternoon was to read through past exam papers, and reflect on how ignorant I am. Hopefully, this is the usual beginning to a long and painful process. After all what, exactly, did Benacerraf say, and is it right to care?

Horrible exam question: "Why are there no morals in logic?"


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