Saturday, February 07, 2009

Day 66 - Sweeeeeeeeep

I've just been watching Invader Zim with Victor and Mark, and my love - nay, fervour - for the show increases each time. Whether the first, fourth, or fifty-sixth viewing, it's still excellent. Awesome characters include Zim, Gir, Dib, Gaz, Tak, Professor Membrane, The Tallest, the Monkey, Mortos der Soul Stealer, Miss Bitters, and the various scum of humanity, who all act like they are suffering from constant migraines. It is a bleak view of the world, but a funny one. Watch some, today.

In other news, my left jaw hinge has been hurting for about a week now. I'm not sure why, and it's the weekend now, so I'll wait till Monday. If it's still hurting, I'll go and see the nurse. Hopefully she won't amputate again. I miss my torso.

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