Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 77 - Zero is the earliest number

I have not blogged for five days, and I'm not entirely sure why. Most of them I just completely forgot, and last night, I couldn't be bothered. This is why I stop most things - a combination of forgetfulness and laziness. Still, I'm back. When we fall off the ladder, we must pick ourselves up and start again. Or possibly the horse.

Perhaps this is where I'm going wrong. It's very hard to put a saddle on a ladder, and climbing up a horse does not get you very far at all. I must choose a metaphor and stick to it like glue. That's a simile, it doesn't count.

What have I been up to? Many strange, terrible, and wonderful things. In particular, Saturday was Valentine's Day, which fell into the third category (and probably a little of the first). We had an indoor picnic, and ate vast quantities. Then we watched Laputa, played on the MUD, and chilled out, before going to have dinner at Giraffe. I am in love with Julia, especially right now - we just watched Pretty Woman, and I am a sucker for romantic chick flicks.

Ooh, shut up Nick. You know you are as well. Plus, you have stupid hair now, so you can't laugh at anybody.

1 comment:

Hogshine said...

Perhaps, but not Pretty Woman...