Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Well, nobody commented. I'm going to assume somebody reads this blog and cares though, so I'm going to blog now anyway.

Last night, we went to see Stomp. It was amazing. I went years ago with my Dad, but this was even better than I remember. I urge everyone to go and see it.

We caught the train down to London at 15:44 (Julia surprising me with a bag of Liquorice Allsorts) and got to Kings Cross at around 5 - on the way I read an excellent book 'Who are the Illuminati?'; written by a lady who seeks to examine the true historical facts behind the Illuminati and all the myths that have sprung up around them.

We got to London, caught the (insanely hot) tube down to Charing Cross, and looked in the big Waterstones before wandering off to find somewhere to eat. We ended up choosing the Spaghetti House ('50 years of Italian excellence!') which apparently had only 2 waiting staff for about 70 patrons. The food and service were both great though. We also sat next to a very amusing pair of middle aged ladies, gossiping about all and sundry. Especially sundry.

We walked down to the theatre, and took our seats - on time, thankyouverymuch! There was this couple who came in just after it had started, sat right in front of us, then talked for a couple of minutes. I was tempted to tear his head off, but instead I just knifed him a little.

Then started the show - it's sort of freeform percussion using loads of different everyday objects (brooms, sinks, plastic bags, sticks, matchboxes, bins, street signs, etc) and the sheer energy and beat blows you away. Amazing. And a wonderful 18th birthday present.

Anyways, caught the train back (had an argument with my mirror self; cheeky beggar) and went to sleep, after reading Julia a palindromic poem from a book I have. I may put it up here later.

Woke up around half 10 this morning, and haven't really done much. Apart from nothing. A lot of nothing.

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