Tuesday, July 04, 2006

How's this for staying power?

Yet again I blog, as a demonstration of my extreme staying power. My skin actually now exretes glue through the pores, having ran out of sweat the past couple of days.

Had my first driving lesson for over a month this morning - it was good, apart from the bad bits. Just a bit of spit and polish, and I should be ready for my test on the 28th! Oh, and I need to learn how to drive. Might help.

I was going to type 'Definitely might help.' there, but I'm not sure if it's grammatically correct. Let me check. Spellings right.

In my search, I found a lovely new word - grammaticaster. It means a 'piddling gramamarian', where a grammarian is a person who has made a study of grammar, a teacher of or writer on grammar. Oh, and piddling means 'trifling, paltry'. And paltry means 'meagre, mean, of poor quality, trashy, worthless, not worth considering'.

Where was I? Ah yes. I'll leave whether the statement is grammatically correct to all you grammaticasters out there, and return to my day.

Having said that, not much else has happened yet. Watched Scrubs, cleaned the bathroom...I am waiting for Julia to arrive in half an hour to take me out somewhere for my birthday surprise!

I have no idea where she's taking me, but it involves the train...and we leave at about half 3 and get back at about half 11.

If anyone reads this this afternoon, post your ideas on what it might be, and I'll blog back tomorrow. Maybe you could get a pool going.

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