Friday, July 28, 2006


Been a while since my last blog; sorry.

Failed my driving test this morning; it's not too bad though. I had an hour's driving before my test (which was , ironically, worse than my driving during my test), and then got to the centre for 11:41. My examiner came out (called 'Jaz') and off we went.

Two questions at the beginning: spot on. Perfect. I mean, you couldn't imagine two questions being answered more correctly than that.

Reverse around a corner: One of the two manouevres - perfect! Didn't anything (or anyone), didn't have to pull forward, stopped to let two cars go by. My worst manouevre was the best bit of my test. C'est la vie.

Bay parking: Not too bad. Got a minor because I was a bit over the line, but not bad at all.

My final score was 6 minors (a great score; 15 or less is a pass) and 2 serious (not as great; any serious means a fail). One serious was for overtaking a couple of times on the dual carriageway when I should have just slowed down, as I was about to turn off. The other was because some other retard was signalling to head off the roundabout (so I moved on) but changed his mind, so nearly hit me. I should have waited a second more perhaps, but still a bit unlucky...

It is, however, looking hopeful! I shall book another test today in a couple of weeks time, when I shall pass. All shall go well, I will pass, win a Mini Cooper in some competition, and go off on a road trip of Britain.

Unfortunately, in Devon, I will be kidnapped in a daring raid by the secret terrorist organisation La Fiendo, who seek to persuade the world's governments to abolish happiness and morality.

They will then keep my hostage in a very wet and smelly cave in the Peak District (with a complete disregard for the 'No Hostages' rule of the National Parks). I will lead the other hostages free in an attack, using guns we carved from the rock, and then turn over the leader of La Fiendo to the authorities. The leader turns out to be Tony Blair's cousin, so the whole thing gets very technical and messy after that - long story short, I end up as Minister of Higher Education, but with only one leg.

I also stayed over at Daniel's Wednesday night, with Daniel, Alex and Julia. We watched Seven and Family Guy the Movie, and generally mooched about and drank tea.

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