Thursday, July 06, 2006


wikiHow - The How-To Manual That Anyone Can Write or Edit

Interesting website. Anyone else remember the show 'How'? I don't really.

Stayed at Dad's last night - Freddie (my little brother) was being a little terror; hot and belligerent. Had pasta and salad (and cheese)...faffed around with his wireless network.

OK: My Dad and stepmum are completely computer illiterate; they got a guy to come in and set up the network router (who didn't do the wireless bit, as they didn't think they needed it). I was trying to find out the WEP key to use my laptop on the wireless. Long story (relatively) short, I discovered that this guy had changed the password of the router from the default (which I needed to find the key) - very sensible, prevents unauthorised access. He had not, however, told Dad and Dawn what the new one was! Neither of them knew what I was talking about, and said they wouldn't need it anyway...but still...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tom, my dearest, do you mean 'How 2'? Now that was an ace show.