Monday, July 03, 2006

The International Conspiracy of the Trilateral Commission

Today has been hot. Very hot. Hot in a very strange way; I would stand up, walk around, and cool down instantly - then I sit down for one second and an unfeasible amount of swear pours out of every pore.

Lazed around for most of the day, doing not much at all with Julia - we watched a couple of episodes of Life of Grime. This is a show which follows around health professionals on their daily jobs - e.g. rat patrol officers, food healthy inspectors - and is surprisingly good. It also breeds a healthy sense of smug superiority.

Had work this evening, from 4:30 till 7:00 - cooler than outside, though not as cool as I'd like. While browsing Infotrac's journals, I came across mention of the Trilateral Commission - the secret masters of the world.

Their website.

350 members of the most influential people in North America, Asia and Europe...and they just get together "to foster closer cooperation among these core democratic industrialized areas of the world with shared leadership responsibilities in the wider international system". Yeah, right. And that yellow stuff in my fridge is butter.

They're controlling us, I tell you! I've requested (and just received, actually) a list of their current members, to try and expose how far their tendrils reach. Apparently it was the hot conspiracy favourite of the early 80s, but now it's not under much suspicion...and it all goes according to their plan.

Fear not, ladies and gentlefolk! I will research and expose the machinations of their evil, so that we may all live in a perfect society under my benevolent rulership. No fists of iron, I promise. Maybe a thumb.

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