Sunday, April 05, 2009

Day 124 - Sequence marches on


Read your blog? Only when drunk. I have it on good authority (an Oxford professor of theoretical physics) that string theory has fallen from its pedestal within physics circles as well - although, if I recall correctly, it hasn't been replaced by another theory, but rather by a trend towards more throw-things-together-and-see-what-happens kind of stuff (hence the big Higgs thing).
248 dimensions? Pah! I will not rest until we've modelled the universe in 196883 dimensions, so we can use the Monster group.

Also, hello Mr Gilbert! Always a pleasure to receive greetings/book recommendations/book plugs. I can't tell whether that's actually you, or some clever advertising automata (amazing what they can crank out in the labs, these days). Either way, your book sounds interesting, and I will check it out. Probably through some library, however, unless you care to send me a free publisher's copy...go on...

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