Thursday, April 02, 2009

Day 121 - Unexpected Retrievals

There were three things I intended to blog about today - here's what I wrote down to remind myself:

Primes occuring in nature
Visualising dimensions
Trivial when expressed properly

Now let's see how they turn out when I actually write them. Behind-the-scenes blogging, that is. Straight from my brainstorm to your brainwave (why does the brain have such weather-themed imagery?).

Today I watched, with Julia (under some duress), a one-off Horizon programme called Alan and Marcus Go Forth and Multiply. Basically, the comedian Alan Davies gets taken on a whirlwind tour of higher mathematics by Oxford professor Marcus Du Sautoy. The usual things come up - Monty Hall problem, dimensions, prime numbers, and it does prevent a couple of things (such as a potted description of what Perelman achieved) in interesting and original ways, helped along by Alan's charm and Marcus' obvious enthusiasm and intelligence. I highly recommend viewing it - on with the point, as they say in the pencil factory.
While discussing the Riemann zeta function and its relation to the prime numbers, they also demonstrated an interesting parallel in nature - the frequency of the vibrations of a quartz crystal correspond closely to (I presume) the modulus of a certain section of the zeta function.
This got me thinking about why prime numbers are so important in nature, and in particular, quantum physics, etc.
It's not that surprising.

Let's suppose we have a large group of objects of some kind, held together somehow. Further assume that these bonds are relatively weak - in other words, it won't take much to break up this big group into several smaller groups. Now, also suppose that the forces that act upon this group to break it up act pretty much symmetrically over the whole group. In other words, this breaking-up force will be distributed evenly. This suggests that the parts it is broken up into will be evenly sized as well.
For example, a group with 6 objects in it, broken up in a symmetric fashion, won't break up into a group of 5 objects and a group of 1 object. It will be broken up into groups of the same size, e.g. 2 groups of 3 objects.

See where I'm going with this? The size of groups of objects will tend towards factorisation, which in turns entails that they will tend towards sizes which are prime numbers, which can't be factored in a non-trivial way.

Now, this is a very general heuristic sketch - billiard balls, for example, don't naturally group into 2s or 3s. If, however, the bonds between objects in questions were sufficiently weak, and the breaking-up forces were sufficiently symmetrical, such a tendency towards primes would occur.
The objects may not be physical - they may be waves, or frequencies of waves, or properties of frequencies of waves, and so on. In any physical situation in which have some kinds of objects grouped together, and forces acting on them symmetrically, it would naturally tend towards primes.

Moreover, such weak bonds and symmetrical forces would be more likely to occur at very small scales, where there is simply less room for forces to act non-symmetrically. So, primes would crop up frequently in quantum physics. Since the zeta function generates the primes, in some fashion, it's also expected that it would generate, in some fashion, these quantum phenomena.

Alriiiiiiight, enough heuristics.

Another problem mentioned in this program was how to visualise in more than three dimensions. This is usually seen as some in built limitation of our brains, in that we can only visualise spacially in up to three dimensions - which is only natural, since we perceive things in three dimensions.
I think, however, that it's a lot easier than people think, and we're being held back by what think a dimension should be.

Take the paradigmatic cases: for 0-dimensions a point, 1 dimensions a line, 2 dimensions a square, 3 dimensions a cube, and 4 dimensions a hypercube, and so on.
Up to 3 dimensions, we can visualise these easily. We can build them from the previous one, by extending it in a different direction, in some sense.
We stretch out a point along a length, to get a line. We stretch out a line along a width, to get a square. We stretch out a square along a height, to get a cube. Then our minds hit a brick wall - where is the fourth direction in which to stretch our cube?

Take your pick! The fourth direction does not need to be spatial. Perhaps it can't be, since all the space we know and love only has three dimensions. A dimension is just another co-ordinate; another piece of information telling us where to look for a point.

Example. A point is 0 dimensions, because no co-ordinates need to be given, we don't need any information to locate any point within the point. Because there's only one point. We know where it is, we don't need to look.
Now, for a line, we need 1 number, to know how far along the line our point is, and then we're done. A line is 1-dimensional.
In a square, we need 1 number to tell us which line the point lies on - which cross-section of the square we need. Then another number to tell us how far along that line.
Similarly the cube - the first co-ordinate tells us the square, the second the line, the third which point on that line.

So! To make a fourth dimensional cube, a hypercube, watch carefully (I have nothing up my sleeves). Take time to be the fourth dimension. Suppose a cube suddenly springs into existence at time 0, and winks out at time 1. Now, if we searching through time as well as space, we have a 4-dimensional cube. The first co-ordinate tells us at which time we're looking - which cube we're searching in. The second which square within that cube, the third which line within that square, the fourth which point within that line.

Blam. A 4-dimensional cube, plain and simple. What's wrong with that? We can't hold it in our minds eye like the others, since our eyes can only see cross-sections of time. We are still, however, perfectly aware of time, and use duration in our visualisations, so we can easily visualise this magically appearing and disappearing cube. In a way, we already do when we visualise any cube. Now we're just taking notice of the time it's there for. Nothing mysterious or esoteric about the fourth dimension.

We can do something else, however. Instead of time, why not use colour as the fourth dimension? Let 0 be the colour white, 1 the colour black, and a continuous sliding scale of grey in between. Now let's have an infinite collection of cubes, one for each possible shade. Note we need infinite cubes, just as there are infinitely many squares in a cube, and infinitely many lines in a square, we need infinitely many cubes in a hypercube.

Now, to find any point, we specify the first co-ordinate - precisely which shade of grey we're looking at, then pick up that cube. The second gives us the cube,'ve gotten the idea by now.

In fact, any continuous variable that can be applied to cubes could be used. How much that particular cube is adored by the media, on a scale from 0 to 1, taken continuously. The probability that cube will turn into a flying pig, ideally. They're not spatial things, but we can think about them, we can visualise them. We can visualise time, and colour, and billion other non-spatial things. Use them in your search for higher dimensions.

This can be carried out higher dimensions. Want a 5-dimensional hyperhypercube? No problem! Just take your infinitely many different shades of grey cubes, and have them existing over a duration as well (not hard - most things exist over some duration). 6 dimensions? Take our temporary coloured cubes and just factor the height that the mould on them grows to. Let your mind run free!

Phew, how exciting. The third thing: "trivial when expressed properly." Here's what I meant:

I believe that any mathematical proposition, when expressed in the right way, becomes obviously and trivially true. The difficulty in mathematics lies in working out exactly how to say what you want to prove; translate it into the right language, look at it in the right way, and there's nothing to it.
A quick example, till I think of some more: factorisation of integers into primes. Look at it one way, and it's pretty obvious - primes are, by definition, things which can't be divided anymore. Take any integer, and divide it into smaller bits, then those bits again, and so on, and eventually you'll have to stop, and all you'll have left are primes. Easy.
Now, however, think about the integers like this: you start with 0. Then add 1 to make 1. Then add 1 to make 2, and so on. The integers are everything you get proceeding in this way, adding 1 each time. Now work out analysis, then complex analysis, then the theory of the Riemann zeta function, then let the primes be defined by the sequence which satisfies a certain functional equation involving the zeros of the zeta function. Now try and prove factorisation into primes. A lot harder.

Better examples to follow!


Haniff said...

I watched the horizon program, and found it fascinating. Anything that delves deeper into primes always is.
I don't think your theory stacks up really, because in the program apart from the amazing quartz crystal ball result, and the first atomic one; they also mentioned the same distrubution was in london parking, and bus arrival times. Which are very large and things - not very small or quantum.
So clearly, it's not as simple as that. No-one as figured out what it means by any proof, or any real proof of meaningful explanation that explains all these things. If it applies to the atomic, to crystal balls, to buses, there's something very weird going on for sure!
As for visualising higher dimensions, I don't think they explained it too well. But visualising higher dimensions is very hard and not as simple as you present. Charles Hinton tried to visualise a 4D cube with coloured cubes, and it drove him totally mental.
It's also best not to bring space-time into it, as it's a very different thing, best used to visualise gravity and relativity.
The problem arises when sting theory only works or makes any sense in 22 physical dimensions. The cosmologists don't bother to visualise these dimensions, they just stack up on paper and make the maths work without breaking down.
We are just stuck with visualising 3D shadows of higher diminsions really.
Of course, with 22+ dimensions of string theory, things get even wilder, as it for it to work, we must live in an INFINITE number of universes, where there is an infinite number of maths/physics, and everything is played out.
So what you imagine is correct in this universe, will be completely different in another.
In another there might be 4D beings battling with the problem how to visualise 5D objects.
The universe and the "mathematics" we have created to describe it, is just our human interpretation, it still doesn't explain all that much. The universe is still chock full of mysteries, and because of the infinite nature of worlds, we'll never solve all problems. A lot of mathematicans have gone insane when they realise mathematics can't answer everything. It never will. It all points to a creator, which scares the living hell out of most scientists.
To be honest the infinite prime number proof is the most elegant I've ever seen - the problem is there really is no other proof so lovely fluffy and magically simply to explain to a non-mathematical mind. Those days are long gone, just look at the bibles created with current proves of modern problems. You'd never understand them unless your full time profession was a mathematician.
Fractals are a good example of this, they show the universe is not perfect and really ultimately unpredictable. Quantum physics, they can't predict exact things, they infact don't even bother, no one can explain the weird stuff, they just assume it's there, and keep going - from that create useful things, even though they no idea how the physics is working. That is the wonder of mathematics to me. Is that is provides a platform to do things, even though we'll never understand why light is a particle and wave at the same time and changes depending how WE look at it. It's almost as it the universe is morphing to what we think it is.
Prime numbers do indeed open up a can of infinite worms in infinite universes. Would love to be a higher being and understand their significance - I really don't think humans will understand it for a very, very long time - if ever.

Anonymous said...

I am afraid I just skimmed through most of this =D

Harry said...

Tom. I think you are probably a genius. You even forsaw my jaunt to Wikipedia to educate myself on heuristics, which I had previously dismissed as corporate buzzwordery.

I am intrigued by your primes in nature hypothesis and find the logic appealing. However, I wonder just how many primes in nature have evolved *because* they are prime - not arbitrarily. (Though, now I come to think of it, I suppose the burden of proof might lie on the other side: do any numbers in nature evolve arbitrarily?).

In any case, I shall collect here examples of nature's primes:

* So, like any aspiring academic, I first look to Wikipedia. Cicada emergence period: 13 or 17 years in the Magicicadas. --> Difficulty for predators to evolve to be cicada-eating specialists, since their emergence would have to be exactly timed to this prime (only [multiples] of 13 would be sufficient) to correspond to their cyclic prey abundance. I find this example quite persuasive.

* Now, to Google's second result: an article by the new Charles Simonyi chair, Marcus du Sautoy. "We have 23 pairs of chromosomes, Michael Jordan wore the number 23 shirt, Caesar was stabbed 23 times, 23mph is the maximum speed of an American crow; and let's not forget AA23, the cell in which Princess Leia was held in the original Star Wars movie." Apart from the former, which has me thinking (...though now I have thought about it, I expect that any trend towards primes would probably be better explained by a trend towards odd numbers, since largescale increases are often [always?] produced by genomic doubling; I can imagine that groups of identical chromosomes might lead to problems at crossing over etc., so a loss of an irritating chromosome might well be selectively advantageous), I would argue with some confidence that all these are but arbitrary coincidences: if you were to look at the distribution of other successful footballer's shirt numbers, bird speeds (which I doubt are discretely distributed!), or stab frequencies, I would be very surprised if the primes were at significantly higher frequency than the non-primes (is there a specific antonym for 'prime'?).

I would argue that for primes in nature to be deemed functionally significant, the taxa within which they appear must be shown to be significantly better adapted than their sister taxa without such primes.


Thinking about this further, and coming across further unconvincing biological prime examples (cervical vertebrae, arms of a starfish, pentadactyly, starfish arms), I am afraid that I think I must conclude that primes are not important in nature, in this sense of this discussion. I would hypothesise that most prime observations would be better explained by odd numbers (and is it my imagination that primes are overrepresented in 2^x-1 (consistent with the duplication and loss scenario - my potential explanation for prime over-representation in chromosomal numbers) compared to a random distribution of odd numbers?) or arbitrary coincidence. Therefore, I would conclude that, apart from the special case of the cicada (and perhaps other analgously evolved predator-prey life cycle interactions), the meme that primes are important in biology (perhaps a conflation of the golden ratio - though that would be interesting to discuss too!) is sadly mythological. I find your homogenous forces hypothesis, however, quite intriguing and appealing. I'd be very excited to be proved wrong in my gut feeling!!

Being a mathematician, I expect you see primes in your cereal, so I now pass the burden of proof to you. Where have you seen primes in nature (I'd be particularly interested in those that have a structural function, as your hypothesis)? Can you persuade me that there might be some truth in their functionality?


Now, putting on my physics-enthusiast hat, and I'm tending to agree with the mysterious Haniff on the fourth dimensional visualisation problem. I was under the impression that the problem of visualisation of higher dimensions lies in the problem that they relate to descriptions of *space* and motion - which you rightly identify as the nub of the issue. I could be wrong - but I think that higher dimensions are used to describe the motions of objects (particularly when they are accelerating due to gravity), so that though the path in our 3 dimensions appears curved, when viewed in the light of the fourth (or higher) dimensions, the path is much more elegantly explained. So, as the problem of visualisation relates to that of space, per se, it does become very difficult! Though, your fourth parameter idea could be a good analogy for how it might be visualised, if our feeble three-dimensionally evolved minds could! Was that vaguely how you saw it, Mr (or Mrs) Haniff?

And whilst I address you, I would love you to explain this to me:

"The universe is still chock full of mysteries, and because of the infinite nature of worlds, we'll never solve all problems. A lot of mathematicans have gone insane when they realise mathematics can't answer everything. It never will. It all points to a creator, which scares the living hell out of most scientists."

I expect that you will probably anticipate that I am taking umbridge with your final statement. To be honest, I am not sure what I find the existence or absence of a creator more scary. It is not this fear that I would like to discuss, however! I am interested in your "it all points to a creator" statement, as I'm not sure how it follows?

Yours curiously,


Harry said...

Hmmm... Looking over your post again, your emphasis was placed on quantum primes, so perhaps I have made a straw effigy of you. If so, I apologise - and hope that you do not take personal offence. I have been suitably conditioned (and probably have sufficient arrogance!) to read 'nature' as synonymous with 'biology', which is pretty short-sighted I guess. Hope that you'll take up my challenge nonetheless!

Sam Gilbert said...

Dear epic readers and prime worshippers,

Perhaps you will be interested in a new book,

The Riemann Hypothesis & the Roots of the Riemann Zeta Function

by Samuel W. Gilbert

available from

© U. S. Copyrights - 2009, 2008, 2005

This book is concerned with the geometric convergence of the Dirichlet series representation of the Riemann zeta function at its roots in the critical strip. The objectives are to understand why non-trivial roots occur in the Riemann zeta function, to define the roots mathematically, and to resolve the Riemann hypothesis.

The Dirichlet infinite series parts of the Riemann zeta function diverge everywhere in the critical strip. Therefore, it has always been assumed that the Dirichlet series representation of the zeta function is useless for characterization of the roots in the critical strip. In this work, it is shown that this assumption is completely wrong.

The Dirichlet series representation of the Riemann zeta function diverges algebraically everywhere in the critical strip. However, the Dirichlet series representation does, in fact, converge at the roots in the critical strip ̵and only at the roots in the critical strip in a special geometric sense. Although the Dirichlet series parts of the zeta function diverge both algebraically and geometrically everywhere in the critical strip, at the roots of the zeta function, the parts are geometrically equivalent and their geometric difference is identically zero.

At the roots of the Riemann zeta function, the two Dirichlet infinite series parts are coincidently divergent and are geometrically equivalent. The roots of the zeta function are the only points in the critical strip where infinite summation and infinite integration of the terms of the Dirichlet series parts are geometrically equivalent. Similarly, the roots of the zeta function with the real part of the argument reflected in the critical strip are the only points where infinite summation and infinite integration of the terms of the Dirichlet series parts with reflected argument are geometrically equivalent.

Reduced, or simplified, asymptotic expansions for the terms of the Riemann zeta function series parts at the roots, equated algebraically with reduced asymptotic expansions for the terms of the zeta function series parts with reflected argument at the roots, constrain the values of the real parts of both arguments to the critical line. Hence, the Riemann hypothesis is correct.

At the roots of the zeta function in the critical strip, the real part of the argument is the exponent, and the real and imaginary parts combine to constitute the coefficients of proportionality in geometrical constraints of the discrete partial sums of the series terms by a common, divergent envelope.

Values of the imaginary parts of the first 50 roots of the Riemann zeta function are calculated using derived formulae with 80 correct significant figures using a laptop computer. The first five imaginary parts of the roots are:


It is further demonstrated that the derived formulae yield calculated values of the imaginary parts of the roots of the Riemann zeta function with more than 330 correct significant figures.
