Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Gone mad with loneliness

Julia's been gone a day, and I am now officially insane due to loneliness. My mind has become so fractured, that I have written myself a list to make sure I do all the things today which I should do today. One of them is 'Blog' - written twice for some reason. I can't clearly recall writing it, as I was very tired at the time.
As it is down on the list twice, today I will blog twice.

It is already 9:20. I think I need to trim down my morning routine, as I woke up at 8:00, and only just finished it. I wake up, go downstairs, and make myself some tea with a big bowl of cereal (today's cereal, for your notebooks, was Frosted Shreddies). In search of something to watch while I enjoy my delicious breakfast treat, I flick through Sky, and end up getting sucked into some cartoon on Boomerang or Nicktoons. After half an hour has passed, I realise I should be moving on, and spring upstairs for my morning bath.

Some people enjoy showers. Some like the stimulating variety of just not knowing how they will wash in the mornings. Some, naming no names, believe that washing removes part of the soul, so refuse to do it on religious grounds.
For me, however, only the bath will do. Sinking into the warm water, and letting the world go on without me as I lose myself in a good book. The two advantages the bath has over the shower are:
1) Lying down beats standing up.
2) You can't read a book in the shower.
I feel these two more than make up for the whole stewing-in-your-own-filth thing. Unfortunately, having no clocks in our bathroom, I usually lose track of time, and emerge and hour later, wrinkled and pink (but damn clean!)
This morning I read Lonely Planet's guide to Nepal, in preparation for my trip in August of this year - 6 weeks of volunteering in the remote mountain kingdom. Any donations to fund the rest of the trip would be much appreciated. Minimum donation amount £100, please (for tax reasons).

See. Loneliness has driven me completely insane.

*uses his psychic powers to draw Julia back*

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