Sunday, February 20, 2005

A real blog, this time

In reponse to allegations that my last blog was like an english essay, I say:

OMG!!!111!1!1!1 Lokw, h0w d4r3 uu sy th47 1 m g00d @ 3ngl15h!11!!1!

Well, back to sanity. I'll make this one a proper blog, then.

Today is the last day of half term, and freedom. Two main things have happened : Valentine's Day (none of your business) and house-sitting!.

From 12:05 on Thursday till 4:18 on Saturday, Julia's house, grounds and animals were under my nefarious control. After they left, my day was pretty uneventful really. I taught myself how to play chess (using the ever-fruitful magic of and can now talk authoritively of gambits, castling and the halloween attack.
Also in my pursuit of intellectual hobbies, I have starting training myself in cryptic crosswords - I remain terrible, but hopefully I'll improve with practise.
I woke up at 8(ish) on the Friday, turned the boiler on (after several minutes waiting for the shower to warm up), had a shower, and fed Julia's pets.
I then generally mosied around, read Lord of the Rings for a bit, taught myself Japanese, etc, till around 11 when Andrena showed up.
She was returning from her Greek lesson, and decided to pop in, so I made some tea and we talked - mostly about universities. Then my Dad and sister came round, and we took Scamp for her walk round the park.
All was well, till disaster struck - while tugging on the recalcitrant Scamp, her collar slipped right off her neck! She scampered off happily, leaving me to chase after her to restrain her again - my father and sister sniggering away in the background. We bought sandwhiches, had lunch, then I walked back home with my sister to catch up on developments there.
On my arrival, I discovered my first two university prospectuses had arrived! One for Durham, and one for SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies). My mother had made me a rice pudding (removed from her work, she has become bored in the daytime so has resorted to baking on epic proportions. On Saturday, she made: a loaf of bread, muffins, biscuits, rolls, and a lasagne). After the rice pudding and a failed bannana smoothie, I waddled back to Julia's with the remains of the rice pudding in my bag.
Didn't do much for the rest of Friday...started a history essay, more crosswords and chess, and I watched the Eastenders 20th Anniversary Special! Fun fun fun. Oh, and the Simpsons.
Then I went to bed and read some more of Lord of the Rings.
Saturday...woke up around the same time, forgot about the boiler again...same old same old. I couldn't motivate myself to walk Scamp alone, so I rang Andrena (being the friend who lived closest to Julia's) and asked her for her company, to which she agreed. I made myself beans on toast, then it was off to the park, for yet more university talk.
Then I went to the market in town, to browse round the book stall and buy some roses for Julia for her homecoming. Back to Julia's, spell of flower arranging and vacuuming, and Julia's family were home.

I received £20 for my custodial work, which went straight into Julia's back I only owe her £10!


Lewis said...

And why do you owe her money, hmm?
(Nerdish observation: The last two posts have been posted exactly on the minute.)

Thomas said...

I took her out for a meal, and in my gentlemanly way, insisted on paying. However, since I lacked actual money, she paid and now I owe her.
And EVERYTHING I do is exactly on the minute.
(Except this comment).

Chard said...

Which was however on a tenth minute.

You and your precision!