Thursday, February 10, 2005


Hello everyone, me again. Well, it would be, since I'm the owner of this blog.

It has been....a long time, I'm sure, since my last blog, so I'll just try to fill you in on the major events of my life recently - for convenience's sake, starting from 1st January 2005.

Had my January modules almost immediately after returning to school. I felt suitably self-pitying and hard done by, as I had 5 exams, while others, such as Alex, had just one General Studies exam. For completeness' sake:
History Document Study :: Nazi Germany
Economics :: The Market System (or somesuch)
Maths :: Core 1
General Studies :: Culture, the Arts, and Pointless Long Words
Religious Studies :: Foundation to the study of Islam/Philosophy

I feel they all went pretty well, though I won't find out till the 10th March. RE especially I am most worried about, as I have no way of assessing how well I did until that little slip of paper comes back.
After my mere two week study leave, I was pitched back into the helter skelter of regular school life, and...not much happened that I can remember in that department. Only two things of any import have in fact happened since:
The Sixth Form Ball, Saturday 5th February. If you'd like detail on this, just refer to Julia's blog, and her worryingly comprehensive account. I feel it necessary to add, however, that I tied my own bow tie! Though it did occupy half an hour of my life learning how, I feel it was worth it.

Also, my mother. A couple of weeks ago, while attending business in Germany, she had an epileptic fit and collapsed, and has been in hospital over there. Fortunately, she is returning home some time tomorrow morning, and all is well again - I am saved from scraping together meals from corned beef and beans, and lugging clothes and school books between my Dad's and Julia's.

A couple of days (?) ago, I joined NationStates, and have found it a most intriguing past-time. Embracing my geek heritage, I have found my imagination alive recently with complex government heirarchies and social-economic policies for my fledgling nation, which require a proper piece of writing to do them justice - that shall have to wait till half term, when I am given respite from my backlog of essays for a short while. In case you're interested, I am the Sultanate of Fiol - telegrams welcome.

Aah yes, half term. That idylic time of daytime television and plans abandoned due to chronic laziness. Well, not this time! I have four (yes, four! Just count them! I know you won't!) essays to do over half term, so I really can't afford to put them off till the last day again. I have a good incentive to do work however, as I am....

House sitting!!!

Yes, that's right. For two nights and two days, Julia and her family are giving me Supreme Executive Power over her house and grounds. While they go 'up north' to visit 'relatives', someone is needed to care for their two cats and dog, and who better than the itinerant tradesman at their door. I hope that such solitude will motivate me to do some work and do some proper reading....hopefully.

Aah yes, reading. I intend to read Lord of the Rings, or at least try. On previous attempts, I have found the writing so dull and uninspired that it was futile to continue - which I consider a shame, as from what I have read in scholarly essays and heard from academic debates on the subject, I consider the world one of a rich and varied background, an apt analogy to our own chaotic times, and as one that shall both inspire and regulate future generations' forays into the fantasy jungle.....OK, I saw the film and thought it looked cool.
But I do want to read it.

Anyway, I am tired, and should have gone to bed 20 minutes ago, but I decided to blog (at nonnesuch's prodding).
Goodnight everyone.


Anonymous said...

Bugger me! He's posted :P. 2 weeks study leave??!?!?!? We didn't even have 1, you lucky git.

Dauve said...

Wow, you've posted. About time, I thought we'd lost you from the blogging community for good.

And w00t for joining NationStates.

Jon said...

Ah good, we need more entries on the IOM factbook.

Lewis said...

Avast! A Blog! And a fine one. I thouroughly agree on the LotR front; 'Concerning Hobbits' is not a good opening to a 3-book epic. As for NS, it'll soon suck you in to its geeky nerdy RP ways... oh yes...

Chard said...

Concerning Hobbits rocked!